Editorial Guidelines

‍Editorial Guidelines


* Articles submitted must be the final copy, fully edited and proofed for grammar and concept with zero errors.

* Articles must be original and must not have been published previously or be under consideration by another publication.

* Articles should be a minimum of 800 words.

* Advertorial, commercial or promotional articles will not be accepted. While we appreciate cutting-edge articles on topics featuring new ideas and concepts, our readers wish to be educated, not sold. Articles cannot be an advertisement, promotional material, press release or include excessive self-promotion. Only articles that are educational and informative in nature will be considered.

* Articles from contributors may not have outbound links. For sponsored articles, please contact us using the link in the navigation on this website.

* ‍You may include a 100-word bio with your article where you can include a company bio. Please include the company/personal bio at the end of the article (it will however be on the author\’s personal page, NOT in the article itself). DO NOT send a separate document with a bio or resume.

* Include a high-quality digital picture [head shot] no smaller than 500×500 px when you submit your article along with your name and title.

* Videos, charts, graphs, infographics, statistical charting, podcasts, surveys and quotes maybe included.

* If you would like to include your resources, citations or works cited in your article, please place them just after the article but before your bio.

* Provide a suggested title for your article. The editors may alter titles for marketing or communications purposes.

* After publication, all authors are highly encouraged to share their article through their social media platforms.


* Q&A format.

* Bullets with quick ‘take-aways’.

* “He said / She said” pieces (opposing viewpoints).

* Trends in the industry.

* Thought pieces (Op Eds).

* Vlogs (video interviews).

* Lists (e.g. 7 musts knows).

* Comparison pieces to current news articles (how x impacts y).


Feel free to Contact Us for more info or to submit an editorial.


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