
Corporate Wellness Online is dedicated to providing current information, written by experts on all the different aspect of Corporate Health & Wellness.

Our objective and credible content has always served our niche market very well, and this is the basis for our continued success. Our articles are uncensored and independently written by professionals in their field.


Advertising is a core part of  Corporate Wellness.Online business. Our websites, advertising services, products, and services are supported by the ads we and others display. We also provide a variety of online advertising services to other companies that want to place ads on our website or elsewhere.Ads are more effective when they are shown to people who are likely to be interested in the product or service advertised.

Corporate Wellness.Online display ads, also known as graphical ads, which appear as images, animation, or video. Our advertising platforms provide the means for advertisers, agencies, publishers, and ad networks to manage their advertising business.

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Category Advertising

Category advertising/sponsorship provides maximum brand exposure and drive targeted leads by targeting ads to the relevant category.

Adverts Included:-

  • 1x Banner: 728x90px
  • 1x Skyscraper: 300x600px
  • 1x Block: 300x250px

  • 3 Month Campaign: R10,500 pm
  • 6 Month Campaign:  R8,500 pm
  • 12 Month Campaign: R6,500 pm

Category campaigns runs for minimum three months. To ensure the campaign is reaching it’s maximum potential we review and  analyse statistical data to build a successful adverting campaign.

Newsletter Advertising

Our weekly newsletter is a great platform for short or long campaigns and goes out once a week. We have the following artwork sizes available:

Ad Size (W x H) One Insert per month
Banner – 728 x 90 px R2,500 pm
Ad Block – 300 x 250 px R2,500 pm

**Please note that we only accept static artwork.

Advertorial: Brand Building Opportunities

An advertorial is an advertisement in the form of editorial content. Your company can showcase your brand or product as a featured editorial on our website.

This includes the following:

* 800-1000 words article

* 3x images of your brand or product

*1x video

* 1x Banner: 728x90px

Cost:  R 6, 500


A featured tile of 728X90 pixels wide by pixels tall, will be placed at the top position of one website.

Cost: R4,500 for 1 month period.

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Terms & Conditions
  1. The above rates are net monthly rates.  No deductions may be made for agency commission.
  2. The rates are inclusive of VAT.
  3. The booking dates for each month are usually around the middle of the previous month.
  4. Unless otherwise agreed when the booking is made an advertisement may be repeated the next month unless it has been cancelled by email by noon on the booking date for that issue.
  5. The complete advertisement must be emailed us in at least actual size and at 300dpi.
  6. We assume that your artwork is as you want it and do not send proofs unless specifically requested.  If a proof is sent it will be deemed approved if there has been no response from the advertiser within 24 hours.
  7. Additional charges may be made for preparation, placement, scanning, stripping etc or changes to advertisements.
  8. We may require payment in full of the cost of an advertisement before a booking is accepted or, if accepted, before publication and we reserve the right to cancel any booking if it is not so paid without liability.
  9. The person making a booking is liable for payment unless the full name and address of the party liable is then given in writing in which case that person is deemed to have warranted that he/she is duly authorized by that party.
  10. When accepted for publication, advertorials may be shown as such or distinguished from normal editorial.
  11. The right is reserved to withhold publication of any advertisement, and to cancel any bookings, which has been accepted.
  12. The Editor and staff are not liable in any way whatsoever to any advertiser or third party for any statement made in or any error in or omission of any advertisement or loose insert in whole or in part.
  13. By confirming a booking or making a payment an advertiser and the person who made the booking is deemed to have agreed and accepted these conditions.


Feel free to contact us to discuss your needs or to book your advert. We look forward to providing you with an affordable well-structured advertising solution.

Publishing Disclaimer

All rights are reserved. Whereas precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information, neither the editor, nor publisher can be held liable for any inaccuracies, injury, or damages that may arise. The opinions expressed in the articles may not reflect those of the publisher.

Advertising | Advertorials Disclaimer

The Online Publishing Team of Corporate Wellness Online cannot be held accountable for any errors/mistakes in text and artwork or for any misinformation contained in any advertisements and/or editorial content supplied by advertisers (advertorials) where such content was supplied by the advertisers in fixed format and used, as is, in our page layout, in print and/or other digital formats.

Publishing Team does not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage or disruptions caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, by accident, or any other cause.

Corporate Wellness  Online does not endorse or evaluate the advertised product, service or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisements or advertorial content. Where advertisements, editorial content or advertorials are sponsored by an advertiser, mention of the paid content / sponsorship will be indicated as such.


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